In my last article for a known European wine mag I outlined the problems of the Russia’s wine market during the times of crisis. Oddly enough, it seems that it will do a lot of good to wine business. Wine distributors with weak financials are disappearing, new wine bars are opening and Russian consumers are starting to actually think about what they choose to drink. Price and quality relation is becoming a major factor of choosing wines for many of us.
From the conversations I had with many of the market players (sommeliers, importers, salespeople and consumers) it became clear to me that I have to convey this important message to you, which in short is:
Don’t be scared. If you’re planning to grow or sustain your positions in Russia, feel free to contact me and discuss the possibilities of communications development & promotional activities for your wine region or winery. Creativity, inspiration and attention to modern consumers are the things I like to apply to wine communications.
Bring it on!